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How to create a new contact?
Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over a week ago

Each individual you interact with through Legl will have a contact profile, capturing all previous activity and client data. You can create a new contact manually, or when sending an onboarding workflow to a new client.

How to create a new contact

You can create a new contact by navigating to Quick Actions and selecting Create a new Contact, or by selecting Contacts and clicking the Create an individual or New business search button at the top of the screen.

Enter your clients’ name, email address and client reference number. You can also click Show more to input date of birth, phone number and address if you have that information available.

When you’re ready, click Create contact. Your new contact will be added, and you will be able to view their contact profile.

Creating a contact when sending a new request

You can also create a new contact if you’re sending a pay or engage request to a client.

Entering a clients' email address will show you if a contact profile already exists. If it does, click select contact to auto-full their details, or click view contact to check their details.

If your client doesn't already have a profile created, you can continue entering the rest of your client’s details under Contact details, then complete the request as usual.

Once the request has been successfully created, a contact profile for your client will then be available under the Contacts dashboard.

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