In this article we will cover:
With Legl, you can upload risk assessments and set risk scores alongside your clients’ interactions in one place, helping you build a comprehensive picture of your client over time.
How to add a risk assessment to a contact
1. Navigate to Entities via the left-hand menu, and search for the client you wish to update.
You can search for contacts using their name, email address, or client reference number.
For more information on how to manage your firm’s Contacts database, click here.
2. Look for the Risk Assessments section of the profile page, and click 'Upload' or '+ New'.
3. Complete the details for the risk assessment you wish to upload
Risk assessment name: This should be an internal name used to identify the risk assessment you are adding to Legl.
Matter reference: Internal reference that associates the risk assessment with a specific matter.
Completed date: This is the date on which the risk assessment was completed, and is recorded for audit purposes.
Upload a document: Supported file types include PDF, doc and xls. Files should be no larger than 500kb in size.
4. Add a risk score alongside the risk assessment
This score is ranked as High (red), Medium (amber) or Low (green)
This score will be recorded alongside the uploaded risk assessment, and can be used to quickly provide visibility over the risk profile of the client at that specific point in time.
5. Click Submit to upload the risk assessment.
The risk assessment will be stored within the contact profile for future reference.
You can also click the risk assessment to download the file.
6. You can upload as many risk assessments as required, allowing you to build an audit trail over time.
For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].