With Entities, you can see your firm’s previous interactions with individual clients, and get visibility over completed due diligence and requested payments.
You can find Entities within the left-hand menu in your Legl dashboard. Entities provides a searchable database of all individual and business clients that you have previously interacted with through Legl.
What kind of information can I see in Entities?
Within each entities profile, you can see client information including name, email address, client reference, address and their monitoring status.
Once you select an entity, you'll be taken to the Overview tab. This tab displays recent activity, such as payments and onboarding workflows. You’ll also find key data insights, including the date of the entities last activity. If you have Pay, you can see each entities average payment time and the total amount paid to date.
The Activity tab shows all open activities related to the entity, including any Engage or Pay requests that your client is currently completing.
You can also view a full audit log of your firm’s interactions with the entity. Click on any activity card to open its details.