Reminders can be turned on for any Pay or Engage request to automatically follow-up with clients. When enabled, firm-branded email reminders are sent to clients to prompt them to complete any incomplete payment or onboarding requests.
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How to enable reminders when sending a new Pay Request
Note: reminders are only scheduled after switching them on, followed by selecting Legl's 'Send Email' button. If you opt to use the 'Copy shareable link' option only, reminders will not be sent - see 'How to turn on reminders for existing requests' in this case.
Enabling automated reminders
Once you have created a new payment or engage request and it's ready to share, you will have the option to turn automated reminders On or Off. Please note these are turned on by default.
Choosing when to start the reminder schedule
If you choose to have reminders set to ON, the reminder schedule will begin sending, by default, 1 day after you send the request using Legl's 'Send Email' button.
To tailor and delay when the reminder schedule begins, select from the 'Start reminders' dropdown.
Regardless of the number of days you choose to delay the reminder schedule, the cadence will remain the same, e.g; [X start date], 3, 7, 14 and 30 days (or until the request has been completed or you have closed the request).
If you would like to determine a firm-wide delay to the reminder schedule, please contact our Customer Support team who will be able to apply this setting for you. Please note, any requested delay enabled will apply to all firm-wide requests (Pay and Engage) sent via your Legl account and therefore must be authorised by a Legl Admin (a Legl user at your firm with administrator permissions).
Example firm-branded auto reminder email
How to check how many reminders have been sent
You can review the number of reminders sent, and when they were sent, in the request history. To view, navigate to either Engage or Pay, and click into the request.
At the top of the page, you can view how many reminders have been sent to the client, and when the next reminder email is due to send. You can also turn off reminders by toggling the ON/OFF switch.
Under the request history, you can review the full audit trail for the request, including when reminders have been sent to the client.
How to enable or disable reminders for existing requests
If you have an existing pay or engage request that is incomplete (status 'created', 'sent', or 'in progress'), you can turn on reminders to automatically follow-up with the client.
To check if a request has reminders enabled or disabled, navigate to either Engage or Pay and click 'View' to open the request.
At the top of the page, you will find the option to toggle reminders "ON / OFF".
Turning this ON: reminders will be sent after 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 days.
Turning this OFF: no future reminders will be sent for this request.
Watch our step-by-step video tutorial below to see reminders in action
Still have questions?
If you have any further questions on using Legl's automated reminders, please contact our Customer Support team who will be more than happy to assist.