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How to create Batch Reminders
Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over a week ago

Use Batch Reminders to automatically follow-up on multiple outstanding payments at the same time. Helping you to streamline payment collection processes and reduce the amount of admin work required when requesting payments from multiple clients.

Batch Reminders works by enabling you to upload multiple payment requests at the same time, and automate the follow-up of each using Legl's firm-branded reminder emails.

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Creating a new batch of reminders

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to create a new batch of payment request links with automated reminders enabled.

  1. Log into your Legl account:

  2. You can access the Batch Reminders tool in two ways:

    1. From your home Dashboard > Batch Reminders.

    2. From the left-hand menu go to Pay > Batch Reminders.

  3. On the Batch Reminders page you will see a list of any previously created batches and the option to create a new batch.

  4. Select Create batch reminders, from the top right. You then see the following page where you can download a .csv template to populate with your payment information.

Preparing and populating the .csv template file

  1. Select the bank account you wish for the payments to be made into. This will be for all payments within this batch.

  2. Select Download batch .csv template. A .csv file template will be downloaded for you to populate with the payments you wish to include in this batch.

  3. Populate the .csv file:

    1. Enter individual client information: first name, last name, and email address.

    2. Enter the amount due for each client, e.g. “£519.50”

    3. Send initial pay request email [Yes/No]: enter “Yes” if you wish to send your client the first automated request for payment email (see example below). Enter “No” if you wish to skip the first automated email and advance to the automated reminder emails (e.g. you may wish to do this if you are chasing a payment for which you have previously requested through Legl).

    4. Matter reference (optional): optionally, enter the matter reference relevant to that client and payment. If none, leave blank.

    5. Invoice reference (optional): optionally, enter the invoice reference relevant to that client and payment. If none, leave blank.

    6. Original payment date (optional): optionally, enter the original date of the payment requested in the format DD/MM/YYYY, e.g. “23/01/2023”. If entered, this date will appear in the automated client reminder emails. If left blank, no date will be displayed in the emails. See example emails below.

    7. Comment: optionally, enter internal-facing comments (your clients will not see this). If none, leave blank.

  4. Once you have populated the file, select Upload batch reminders file. Depending on the file size, it may take a couple of moments to process.

  5. Once your file is ready, select Create.

    The created batch will appear on your Batch Reminders page (example below) and Pay Requests will be created with request emails to begin sending (if selected, the 'first request email' will be sent right away and reminder emails will be sent on the reminder schedule displayed on the creation screen).

Locating previously created batches

  1. Navigate to the Batch Reminders page, by following steps 1 to 3 from above.

  2. Select View batch under the Actions column.

  3. You will see each individual Pay Request created within that batch, filtered on the Payments page.

Resolving file upload errors

If the batch creation tool identifies any errors within the file being uploaded these will be flagged within an error message onscreen, and the file will need to be re-uploaded.

The error message will indicate the exact row number(s) causing the error, including the name of the associated client (helping you to locate the errored row). Using this, you will need to revise and update each row listed in the error message before re-uploading the file.

Common errors and solutions

  • Required fields left blank. The following fields must not be left blank.

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Email

    • Amount

    • Send initial pay request email [Yes/No]

  • Incorrect formatting on the following fields. Revise and correct as required.

    • Email: revise whether the email address entered matches the following format “[email protected]

    • Amount: revise whether the amount entered matches the formats: e.g. “510.10” or “£510.50”

    • Send initial pay request email [Yes/No]: this field will only accept the following entries “Yes” or “No”.

  • File header / title edited or deleted. Undo any edits to the file header or re-download the original .csv file and re-populate.

  • Entire columns removed from the file. Ensure all columns are present as per the original .csv file download.

  • Amount is too small or too large. This will depend on your firm’s minimum and maximum Pay Request amounts determined by your Legl account administrator - you can confirm this with the administrator or contact [email protected].

Email notifications

Firm-branded client emails

'First request' email

This email acts as the first email from the firm requesting the client to pay, with the client's unique payment request link included.

Example firm-branded client email: first request for payment

'Reminder' email

This email is sent on each day as per the default reminder schedule (day 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30), requesting the client to pay via their unique payment link. Once the client successfully makes the payment, the reminder schedule is stopped.

Example firm-branded client email: reminder for payment

Firm user emails (creator of the batch)

Payment successful email

The creator of the batch will receive an email notification each time a payment (from the batch) is successfully made by the client.

Watch step-by-step video tutorial


As a law firm user, what notifications will I receive throughout the lifecycle?

You will receive an email confirmation for each payment that has been successfully made from the batch.

What happens if a duplicate payment request already exists in my Legl account?

Any payments added to the .csv file during a batch upload will be created and automated reminders will be sent (regardless of any pre-existing payment requests), enabling you to follow up on any outstanding payments within your Legl account.

If you are re-requesting any outstanding payments (that already exist in your Legl account), once the payment has been made successfully we recommend you ensure the duplicate payment request is marked as “Paid”.

Can I delay when the automated reminders get sent?

When creating and sending Pay Requests using the Batch Reminders feature, the reminder schedule will use your firm’s default schedule (and this will be displayed at the top of the page when creating a new batch). It is currently only possible to delay the reminder schedule when creating an individual Pay Request. If you would like to determine a default firm-wide delay to the reminder schedule, please contact our Customer Support team. Note, this will need to be authorised by a Legl account administrator at your firm.

What is the default cadence/schedule of the automated reminder emails?

Unless your firm has determined a firm-wide default, reminders are sent on a 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 day cadence, irrespective of whether you’ve chosen to send the initial ‘pay request email’ or not (as per the .csv template file). Visit our guide on automated reminders to learn more.

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about Batch Reminders please do contact our Customer Support team who will be happy to assist.

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