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How do I find the edit history of an entity?
How do I find the edit history of an entity?
Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will cover:

What can I find within Entities?

Entities gives you a single overview of your client data, including information such as email address, name and address. This entity information can either be populated manually, or will be updated automatically if a client provides information as part of a CDD check.

For every field of entity information, you will be able to access an activity timeline to view all edits. For each edit, you will be able to see who made the edit, if the edit came from a CDD check, and whether the field has been verified as part of a CDD check.

How do I find the entity history?

Hover your mouse over the client information you would like to see the history of and click history to see the activity timeline for that field.

If you do need to edit a field for any reason, hover your mouse over the chosen field and click edit. This edit will then be tracked in the activity timeline.

The history log will look as follows:

For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

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