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How do I use Ongoing Monitoring for individual clients?

Legl's Ongoing Monitoring allows you to monitor changes to your clients’ AML status for the duration of your business relationship

Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over 2 weeks ago

How do I enable ongoing monitoring for new clients?

Ongoing Monitoring will be automatically turned on for new individuals once a first PEPs and Sanctions report is run via Watchlist Screening, Instant Screening, or via a Standard or Basic CDD workflow (sent to the client for completion). This is because an initial PEPs and Sanctions check is required before Ongoing Monitoring is auto enabled.

To check whether Ongoing Monitoring is turned on, navigate to Contacts and search for your client. Click into the Monitoring tab to see if Ongoing Monitoring is currently turned on.

How do I turn on Ongoing Monitoring for existing clients?

If you would like to turn on AML monitoring for an existing client in Legl, navigate to Entities and search for the client you wish to monitor. Go to the Monitoring tab and click Turn on to enable monitoring. You will need to confirm some contact details and run an initial CDD check in order to turn on ongoing monitoring.

If you have multiple clients you wish to turn on ongoing monitoring for, we are also able to enable ongoing monitoring for clients in bulk. To do so, please get in touch with us at [email protected] and we’ll be able to help.

How do I review monitoring alerts?

Ongoing Monitoring checks across hundreds of sources including PEPs, Sanctions and watchlists for new alerts. Before Ongoing Monitoring is enabled and begins automatically checking for new alerts on a daily basis, an initial Watchlist Screening (PEPS and Sanctions) check must be carried out on an individual.

Reviewing the "first check"

Following the first Watchlist Screening (PEPs and Sanctions) check that is carried out on the individual, there are just two categorisations of results "Clear" and "Consider":

  • Clear: means that the check returned no matching results for this individual, so you can check over and mark each "clear" report as "reviewed" according to your internal risk based approach.

  • Consider: means that the check returned a match for one or more results on the individual and that you should carefully review each result according to your internal risk based approach, before marking the report as "reviewed".

Reviewing ongoing alerts

Following the first check, Ongoing Monitoring will check for new alerts once a day, ensuring you always have access to the most up to date information for your clients.

A weekly summary email containing a list of new alerts will be sent to your designated MRLO email address. If you would like to change this email address or add a new email address, please reach out to [email protected].

This weekly summary email will contain the number of new alerts, the number of contacts affected and include a link to view changes in Legl.

In Legl, you can review alerts by navigating to the Monitoring page and clicking into the Monitoring overview page. You can also follow the link from the summary email.

Any client who has a new monitoring alert will be listed. To review the alert, click the client you wish to check and navigate to the Monitoring tab in the contact profile.

The new alerts will be flagged in the Monitoring page. To review a new alert, click View.

You can review the monitoring update report within Legl, or download a .pdf file. Each Monitoring Update Alert contains information on the changes since the last Monitoring Update Alert report was generated.

The monitoring update report will contain at least one of the following updates:

  • A new PEPs, sanctions or watchlist listing is added for a match

  • A PEPs, sanctions or watchlist listing is removed for a match

  • A new match was added to the report

  • A match was removed from the report

In some instances, this may simply be a false positive (someone with the same name for example). We provide you with the full details of anyone who flags up on our AML watchlists so you can verify if this is the case. A match against a sanctions/PEPS list does not necessarily indicate that the subject of the check is present on the list.

How do I turn off Ongoing Monitoring for individual clients?

If you no longer wish to monitor a specific client, for example at the end of the business relationship, you can turn off Ongoing Monitoring. Navigate to Contacts and search for your contact. In the right hand panel, go to the Monitoring tab and click Turn off.

The time and date on which Ongoing Monitoring was turned off will be recorded against the contact for audit purposes.

How do I manage user permissions for Ongoing Monitoring?

Users with Administrator level permissions, or users with MRLO permissions, will be able to view the Monitoring tab within a contact profile. This will allow them to view new alerts and toggle ongoing monitoring on and off.

For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

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