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What do I do when an Engage Request is "Ready for Review"?
What do I do when an Engage Request is "Ready for Review"?

Finding requests Ready for Review & Reviewing CDD reports

Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over 3 weeks ago

How do I find requests Ready for Review?

When a client completes an Engage Request, you will receive an email notifying you that it's "Ready for Review".

Log into your dashboard and navigate to the Engage >> Individuals. There you can filter the Status to view all reports in "Ready for Review" or scroll to find the report marked as "Ready for Review". The most recent will be at the top. Click into it to view the entire report.

How do I review the request?

Click the down arrow button to open a full summary of the client submission.

Review the check thoroughly in line with your firm's risk-based process, we will indicate if there are any areas to Consider, or else we will return the results as Clear.

Consider Results

A 'Consider' result is the Legl platform identifying something that you as a firm may consider to look into in more detail. This may be, for example, the financial check identifying a difference in registered address to the Equafax database or a PEP or a Sanction against the individual.

Clear Results

Legl as a platform have not identified anything that we believe you will need to be concerned about.

(Please note it is the firm's responsibility to check the full details of any report regardless of the result)

When you have completed your review, and have identified any next steps, tick the "Mark as Reviewed" box and click "Submit review". If your firm requires you to get a report cleared by a colleague, you can assign a new reviewer to the engage request from the review window by selecting "change reviewer".

How to download a report

You can choose to download the report and save it into you CMS/PMS. To do this click the three dots to download a PDF of the report by clicking Download report.

For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

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