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Legl & Proclaim Integration guide
Tess Brown avatar
Written by Tess Brown
Updated over 2 weeks ago

How to connect Legl with Proclaim

Please contact [email protected] if you wish to integrate Legl payments with Proclaim.

Support will email an access group solutions manager with your API key. They will then arrange with you a time to install the integration on your chosen case types.

Pre-requisites for an integration

  • You will need to be using Proclaim version 3.5.0+

  • You will need space on your Proclaim disk for a full system backup;, the integration team at Access Legal will check this and confirm directly with you

  • The installation may require some downtime for your system; the integration team at Access Legal will schedule this with you directly

  • You will need to decide the case types you would like the Legl payments integration available on.

How does the integration work?

The Legl Proclaim integration works by allowing you to generate and send payment requests directly from the case. Once a payment is made it will also create a task for the user to do manual reconciliation.

This video shows you the journey and below is a step by step with screenshots.

  1. Log in to Proclaim and navigate to the client/ case you would like to send a payment request to

  2. Open the ‘viewing pane’ side bar, scroll to the bottom and select Legl- Create payment

3. Enter all the payment details relevant to this client’s payment request (payment amount, reference numbers) and select how you would like to send this link to your client (email, SMS)

4. Create payment and send to your client through Proclaim

Reconciling Payments

  1. You’ll be notified in Proclaim when a new payment has been made. You can then review all payments made via Legl, including the client name and payment reference under your task list.

2. If you select the payment and then click ‘actions’ you will be able to process the payment as per your existing reconciliation process.


If you have any questions around integration capability please reach out to [email protected].

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